There is no doubt that our modern lifestyle generates a considerable amount of waste materials such as paper and plastic. The production of these materials consumes a lot of energy and furthermore many of them are not bio-degradable and will take years to disintegrate. We all need to make a concerted effort to collect these materials so that they can be recycled and reused again.

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Grey bag and recycling tag distribution - 11th July 2016

Green MT Staff And Iklin Local Council are today (11/07/2016) distributing Grey Bags & Recycling Tags for iRecycle Campaign starting on the 19th July 2016. 350 residents have already collected Grey Bags and Recycling Tags

Hotline: 79787900

What's the idea?

The iRecycle concept was conceived by GreenMT which is a national not for profit waste management scheme owned by GRTU, the Malta Chamber of SMEs. The concept's main aim is to reward families that us the grey bag system to recycle their waste. While the scheme cannot give prizes to everyone who participates, champion recyclers will be rewarded through a number of cash prizes.

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Why only in Iklin ?

The iRecycle scheme will run for a total of 40 weeks in the locality of Iklin. The scheme is in it's pilot project phase and so a locale with a smaller population was selected. If the scheme is successful as we hope it will we intend to transpose the scheme in other localities. The scheme involves several stake holders such as the Local Council, the contracted collectors and of course the residents. Because of this, there are a number of agreements to be made and marketing to be conducted. For this reason, it was necessary to test the concept on a pilot locality.

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What can I include in the Grey Bag ?

It is very important to know what can be included in the grey recycling bags. Contaminated material will set back our efforts to recycle your materials because separation will be more difficult. Materials that should be included include paper, plastic and metal containers and packaging. Glass should not be included and there is another way to recycle glass.

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