Is sena 2015 gabet maghha sfidi godda fejn jidhol l-operat logistiku tal-Iskema wara li is snin 2013 u 2014 intuzaw biex nimmitigaw fejn hsibna li ma kienx qed jaghti rizultat mixtieq.

Fis sena 2015, 28 Kunsill Lokali kienu eligibbli li jippartecipaw f’dawn l-Awards. Ghaxra min dawn kienu lokalitajiet Ghawdin u l-kumplament kienu lokalitajiet Maltin. Il-kriterja ghal rebh ta’ dawn l-awards fejn jidhol Kunsill Lokali huwa l-ammont ta’ gbir li jsir permezz tal –borza il-griza u li jingabar mill bring in Site. Dan l-ammont jigi diviz bejn il-popolazzjoni fil-lokalita biex jinhareg ammont per capita.

Jien inhares lejn dan il-process qishu ghandek tim tal-futbol li qed jiehu sehem go kampjonat. Irid ikollok coach tajjeb u tim tajjeb biex tasal ghal rizultat. Ovvjament hekk jigri anke f’dan ir-rigward. Sena wara l-ohra qedghin naraw klassifika finali li ghandha disinn.

Mitt 28 Kunsill lokali eligibbli ghal dawn lawards gbarna 4986 tunnelata ta materjal ricikklabbli.

Milk and juice cartons can now be Recycled!

GreenMT, the National Authorised Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme, as from September 2015 organised a number of Educational Recycling Campaigns in Schools around Malta and Gozo for the fourth year running.

These talks with a difference were very well received by both students and teachers alike.

GreenMT's Eco-Councillors Mrs. Grace Buhagiar and Mrs.Josette Pisani together with Singer/Songwriter Kristina Casolani visited over 30 schools throughout this campaign. This campaign will continue in 2016.

Illum, il-Ministru għall-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli, l-Ambjent u t-Tibdil fil-Klima Dr Josè Herrera u s-Segretarju Parlamentari għall-Gvern Lokali Dr Stefan Buontempo indirizzaw il-Green Council Awards.
Il-Ministru Herrera qal li waħda mill-ikbar sfidi illi għandu pajjiżna hija bla dubju ta’ xejn dik tal-iskart. Huwa qal li ma nistgħux nibqgħu nipprokrastinaw milli nieħdu ċertu deċiżjonijiet u li huwa lest li jieħu dawn id-deċiżjonijiet wara li jkun sema’ u għarbel l-opinjoni ta’ kulħadd.
Huwa stqarr li għalih din hija sfida kbira mhux biss għall-Ministeru tiegħu imma għall-pajjiż kollu.

GreenMT, the National Authorised Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme first week of December organised an event in Mellieħa in order to collect used clothes, shoes and bags. All items collected shall be exported to be segregated and reused and will be sold to third world countries.

GreenMT Eco-Councillors distributed grey bags to all who attended the recycling event. The residents of Mellieha were very cooperative.

This Recycling event in Mellieħa is to be repeated every three months.

Green MT, the National Authorised Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme has held its annual Council Awards under the patronage of the Hon. Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, Leo Brincat and the Hon. Stefan Buontempo, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government.
The Green Council Awards have entered into their fifth year and eleven awards were this year given to Local Councils, Schools, Industry Operators, and individuals who have distingushed themselves in the sector of waste separation and final recycling.


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