Nowadays the management of waste is of national importance.  The Scheme Green MT, which collects separated waste from numerous Local Councils in Malta and Gozo, will be launching a campaign during the European Week for Waste Reduction.  The campaign named ‘Tetra ghall-Istrina’ will be encouraging any individuals (including Schools, Local Councils, hotels, catering establishments etc.) in Malta and Gozo to join us in increasing the recycling and separation of packaged waste.  The main aim of the campaign is to collect as many cartons of milk and juices (any brand), which unfortunately till last year were never considered as recyclable waste which could be disposed in the Grey bag. 

 Green MT will be collecting from Schools, Local Councils, Hotels and Commercial entities (list updated daily in our Facebook page, check for updates).  The EWWR – European Week of Waste Reduction will be held during the week of 18th November 2017 till 26th November 2017.  This campaign will also be promoted through the use of broadcasting methods and social media.

Material can start being picked up from Today!!!

 Green MT has warned that deposit schemes can actually increase recycling rates but that this is not always the case, adding that they have been shown to be costly and ineffective in unique societal and economic contexts.

The waste management firm said that the government was mulling the introduction of Deposit Return Systems (DRS) for plastic bottle recycling, but that when this had been proposed in 2006, it was shelved after heavy opposition from producers, retailers and other stakeholders.

Local Councils, Producer Members (Importers), Schools, awarded during the GreenMT Awards 2017

Green MT, the National Authorised Packaging Waste Compliance Scheme has held its Annual Awards under the patronage of the Hon. Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development, and Climate Change, Jose’ Herrera and the Hon. Silvio Parnis, Parliamentary Secretary for Local Government.

The Green Awards have entered into their seventh year and thirteen awards were this year given to Local Councils, Producer Members (Importers), Schools, and individuals who have distinguished themselves in the sector of waste separation and final recycling.

Green MT Staff And Iklin Local Council are today (11/07/2016) distributing Grey Bags & Recycling Tags for I Recycle Campaign starting on the 19th July 2016. 350 residents have already collected Grey Bags and Recycling Tags

Hotline: 79787900

Huwa l-pjacir tieghi li nilqakom hawn ghas-sitt edizjjoni ta’ Green Council Awards, u nirringrazzjakom talli ghogobkom tkunu prezenti.

Grazzi mill qalb u awguri lill Ministru Dr Jose herrera li mieghu il-GRTU diga hadmet id f’id f’diversi setturi u issa mieghu lesti nahdmu id’f’id f’settur iehor li huwa ta’ importanza nazzjonali, l-ambjent u l-immanigjar tal-iskart.

Kif hafna minnkom jafhu, Green mt hija ssusidjarja tal-Kamra Maltija tan-Negozji Zghar u Medji, il-GRTU li ijja hafna ghal qalbi. Illum, li ghaddew sitt snin u nofs ta operat u sentejn ohra ta preparamenti biex qed isehh dan l-operat illum, sew li naghtu titwila minn fejn bdejna u fejn qedghin.

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