What is your
Carbon footprint ?
Answer all the questions below to find out !
How many people are there in your household?
How much electricity is used in your household?
How many 10Kg gas cylinders are used per month on average in your household?
How many 12Kg gas cylinders are used per month on average in your household?
How many 15Kg gas cylinders are used per month on average in your household?
How many 25Kg gas cylinders are used per month on average in your household?

How many small sized (less than 1.5Ltr engine) cars in your household?
How many medium sized (between 1.5Ltr to 2Ltr engine) cars in your household?
How many large sized (over 2Ltr engine) cars in your household?
How much of the food you eat is organic ?
How much meat/dairy do you eat personally?
How much of your food is produced locally?
How much of your food is packaged / processed (e.g. 'ready meals', tins)?
How much do you compost potato peelings, leftover and unused food etc?
How much food do you waste (on average, over one fifth of edible food is thrown away)?
Health, Education etc. (Preset - Readonly) :
Use a bus to go to work ?
Use a bus on weekends ?
Approximate hours flying per year ?
What is your miscellaneous spending ?
Do you recycle paper, glass and metal?
Do you recycle plastic (apart from plastic bags) ?
Your total CO2 production per year